Triple 8 Meaning
(Meaning of 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999) From a biblical perspective, the number 111 is a multiple of 666, 777, 888. These triple figures (a triad with three of the same numbers) is simply a way of emphasizing their root meanings. Thus, 111 draws.
- H L W N 8 30 800 50 = 888 The numerical value of the Hebrew word ADVN ENPLAVE, meaning Lord of the miracles, gives 888. The sum of the occurrences of numbers in the Bible multiple of 8, which are in the Bible of Jerusalem or the NRSV, gives 888. Written in its cardinal form, the number 2 is used 888 times in the NRSV.
- The 13-13-13 fertilizer contains more nitrogen, phosphate and potash than the 8-8-8, and that affects the amount used. These fertilizers both have the same 1:1:1 ratio, which means they are.
- Army Corps “Six -Triple- Eight” Battalion: First All African American, All Female Unit To Serve Over Seas In World War II 1 Posted by storyteller - January 23, 2019 - LATEST POSTS.
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The Waterton Chronicle can today reveal what the Triple 8 “Holden” Racing Team wants the most for Christmas, and it’s not really that surprising to be honest.
After a year of controversy caused mostly by Triple 8 not coping at all well with actually having to work for wins instead of just turning up and being quicker than everyone else, the number one request on the team’s letter to Santa is for Roger Penske to go and find somewhere else to spend his money so that Triple 8 can go back to demolishing the poor teams, like the good old days.
It’s a sentiment shared by Head of Supercars Paulie the Parity Pelican, who told this reporter he’d really like to go back to the pre-Penske days when his job consisted of not much more than making sure new manufacturer entries Volvo and Nissan couldn’t get anywhere near winning anything.
“To be fair Scott McLaughlin had his moments in that Volvo that made my job more difficult than it had to be. But in the end, Volvo made the right choice by leaving Triple 8, I mean us, to it” squawked the seabird.
A spokesperson for Triple 8 confirmed they were hoping Santa would read their list and give them what they want come Christmas Morning.

“It would be great if Penske could just bugger off so we can go back to winning everything without all the drama of having to actually try” he said.